Minimalistic building tool. Have ideas to improve npm? Join in the discussion! RunJS: The perfect playground for small JS creative projects In conclusion, if you’re just looking for a simple JS code editor to try out basic ideas and let your creativity go without dealing with the complexity of typical code editors, RunJS is perfect. JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat. Note that I chose to define the JS code as a string for illustration purposes, but in reality I would prefer to place the code in a separate file and use the script argument instead of text. Runjs(code) Arguments code. JavaScript code to run. Shinyjs must be initialized with a call to useShinyjs in the app's ui.

Console.Re is remote JavaScript console. You can send log, debug or test information from any webpage, web mobile app or node.js server to remote logger and view results on any device: tablet, phone or desktop in a separate browser window.

Connector script extends console object adding new methods for sending messages to remote logger with:

Moreover, while using in browsers, you can log information about DOM elements, CSS properties, track Media Queries and Window size changes with:

What's New

Console API has new methods.

You can send more information from client to logger with:

Runks well drilling - returns the relative distance between two time points, measured in milliseconds - returns the type of a variable or property[label]) - action to mark current log position in console output with optional label

Console connector has a new options:

redirectDefaultConsoleToRemote - (:boolean) if true, default calls to console.[log|warn|error|debug] methods will be redirected to remote console log calls

disableDefaultConsoleOutput (:boolean) - if true, default console log output will be removed for all remote console log calls

server (:string) - remote console server full url, to connect and output remote logs to another remote console server, default is http://console re

Console API shortcuts:
relog() shortcut for

Instead of using'test'), now you can use a shortcut relog('test')

re.[api]() shortcut for[api]()

Instead of using'test'), now you can use a shortcut re.log('test') or'test') has shortcuts re.test('test')[api] shortcuts

Instead of using'test'), now you can use a shortcut'test') or re.l('test')

Supported Platforms

Connector (client) script works in all major browsers (desktop or mobile) and node.js servers running on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Desktop browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge 1+
  • Google Chrome 4+
  • Mozilla Firefox 3+
  • Apple Safari 3+
  • Opera 10+

Mobile browsers:

  • iPhone Safari
  • iPad Safari
  • Android WebKit
  • WebOs WebKit
  • Smart TV


How To Run .js Files In Windows

  • Node.js
  • Shell via Command Line Interface


  • Realtime, cross browser development and device independent testing
  • Remote logging and debugging with extended console API
  • View logs on any mobile device, tablet or phones (iOS, Android, Windows)
  • Easy to read, log output for Objects, Array, JSON, HTML and CSS
  • Faster Responsive Design development with Media Query logging and tracking
  • Watch Media Query changes on browser resize and device orientation change
  • Using [BBcodes] display log information in different styles and colors
  • Better logging output with string and number interpolation using %s and %d
  • Connector script is light, framework independent, pure JavaScript solution
  • Supports major browsers and can be used for desktop and mobile web apps
  • Works on server in Node.js running on Linux, Mac, Windows
  • Command line (CLI) on server allows to send remote logs from OS shell

Enjoy faster web development process!

In order to use any shinyjs function in a Shiny app, you must first call useShinyjs() anywhere in the app’s UI.

show / hide / toggleDisplay or hide an element (optionally with an animation).
hiddenInitialize a Shiny tag as invisible (can be shown later with a call to show).
enable / disable / toggleStateEnable or disable an input element, such as a button or a text input.
disabledInitialize a Shiny input as disabled.
resetReset a Shiny input widget back to its original value.
refreshRefresh the page.
delayExecute R code (including any shinyjs functions) after a specified amount of time.
alertShow a message to the user.
clickSimulate a click on a button.
htmlChange the text/HTML of an element.
onclickRun R code when a specific element is clicked. Was originally developed with the sole purpose of running a shinyjs function when an element is clicked, though any R code can be used.
oneventSimilar to onclick, but can be used with many other events instead of click (for example, listen for a key press, mouse hover, etc).
addClass / removeClass / toggleClassadd or remove a CSS class from an element.
runjsRun arbitrary JavaScript code.
extendShinyjsAllows you to write your own JavaScript functions and use shinyjs to call them as if they were regular R code. More information is available in the section “Calling your own JavaScript functions from R” below.

runcodeUI + runcodeServerAdds a text input to your app that lets you run arbitrary R code live.
showLogPrint any JavaScript console.log() messages in the R console, to make it easier and quicker to debug apps without having to open the JS console.
logjsPrint a message to the JavaScript console (mainly used for debugging purposes).
inlineCSSEasily add inline CSS to a Shiny app.

You can test out some shinyjs functions below. Choose some R code from the dropdown list, and click Run.

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