Crontab Every 1 Minute

  1. Crontab Every 1 Minute Aix
  2. Crontab Run Every 1 Minute
  3. Cron Expression Every 10 Minutes
  4. Crontab Run Every 1 Minute
  5. Cron Job Every Minute

How to set crontab every 1 hour 1 minute. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Active 1 year, 6 months ago. Viewed 3k times 1. I want to schedule a command every 1 hour and 1 minute. For example, if the first command executes at 01:01 pm, the next command will execute at 01:02PM; the time between the command executions is 1 hour and 1 minute. All you need to do is, configure this cronjob in your system with the script/program you want to run, which can be done in an unix/linux based operating system as following: Step 1: Edit your cronjob file by running 'crontab -e' command. Step 2: Add the following line for every 10 minutes interval:./10. /path/to/your/script-or-program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to run crontab every 2 minutes?

    Cronjob is a fantastic feature, that enables you to schedule your repetitive jobs. */2 * * * * let's you run a script/program every 2 minutes. All you need to do is, configure this cronjob in your system with the script/program you want to run, which can be done in an unix/linux based operating system as following:
    Step 1: Edit your cronjob file by running 'crontab -e' command
    Step 2: Add the following line for every 2 minutes interval:
    */2 * * * * /path/to/your/script-or-program
    Step 3: Save the file. That's it!

  • How to run a script in crontab every 2 minutes?

    Cronjob let's you run a script to do a repetitive job in an efficent way, here's how you can schedule a cronjob for every 2 minutes:
    Step 1: Edit your cronjob file by running 'crontab -e' command
    Step 2) Add the following line for every 2 minutes interval:
    */2 * * * * /path/to/your/script
    Step 3: Save the file. That's it!

  • Is */2 * * * * the right expression for every 2 minutes?

    Absolutely, this is the correct expression for the magic you are looking for. */2 * * * * let's you run a cronjob every 2 minutes.

  • What are some examples of every 2 minutes crontab?

    There are potentially infinte examples for it. Think about any job that you want to run every 2 minutes, it can be processing some data, generating a report, crawling an external source, pinging another service etc.
    For example, if I want to check uptime of my website in every 1 minute, I can write a program to do this for me using this powerful functionality of scheduling.

If you want to run a program or script in the background on Linux then cron job is very important. With the help of cron jobs, you can execute a program or script in the background after a given interval of time.

Let’s take a look at some of the real life examples of cron jobs.

  • Let’s say, you own a website and you want to send all the users of your website an email every day. All you have to do is, write an email sending script and set up a cron job to run that script every day.
  • Let’s say, you own an advertising agency and you want to remind all the advertisers whose balance is below 5$ to recharge. All you have to do is write a script that checks the balance of all the advertisers and when it’s below 5$, it will send a notification to the advertiser’s mobile number or email. Then set up a cron job to run the script every 5 to 10 minutes, or every hour.

There are many other usages of cron jobs in Linux.

In this article, I will show you how to run cron jobs every minute on Linux. I will be using Debian 9 Stretch for the demonstration. But you can use any modern Linux distribution of your choice. Let’s get started.

On Linux, you don’t have to be root in order to run cron jobs. You can run cron jobs as any user. Every user on Linux can use a crontab file to run their own set of cron jobs.

By default, a user doesn’t have a crontab file on Linux. You can create a crontab file with the following command:

If you’re running this command for the first time, then you should be asked to pick a text editor from the list. I will pick nano, the default one. You can pick the one you like. Once you’re done, press <Enter>.

Crontab Every 1 Minute Aix

Crontab Every 1 Minute

The crontab file should be created (if not available already) and opened with your favorite text editor. Now you can add your own cron jobs at the end of this file and once you’re happy, just save it and exit out of the text editor.

Syntax of Running a Command Every Minute:

Crontab Run Every 1 Minute

The syntax of crontab file is as follows:

minute hour dayOfMonth month dayOfWeek commandToRun


  • minute can be 0 to 59.
  • hour can also be 0 to 59.
  • dayOfMonth can be 1 to 31.
  • month can be 1 to 12.
  • dayOfWeek can be 0 to 7. 0 and 7 means Sunday, 1 means Monday, 2 means Tuesday and so on.

To run a commandToRun command every minute, you should write it in the crontab file as follows:

Running a Crob Job Every Minute:

Now that we know the theories, let’s add a simple script to the crontab file and see how to manage it.

In the script, I only have the following lines of codes. All it does is create a new file /home/shovon/bin/timer.log (if does not exist already) and appends the output of the date command to it.

Now let’s add the script to our crontab and let it run every minute with the following line:

Once you save the crontab file and exit out of the text editor, the new crontab file should be installed.

After a minute is passed, a new file is timer.log is created in the desired directory as you can see in the marked section of the screenshot below.

From the timer.log log file, it is obvious that the script runs every minute.


Catching Errors from the Cron Jobs:

To catch errors from a cron job, you can send the errors to a error.log file and normal outputs to access.log file for example. Download new mac os mojave. Of course you can name the files anything you want.

To demonstrate this, I modified my script a little bit. Now the errors are send to error.log file in the /home/shovon/bin directory and the outputs are sent to access.log in the /home/shovon/bin directory.

At first the /tmp/i_must_be_here file does not exist, so I get the error in the error.log file as you can see.

The access.log file is empty at the moment. Chromebook install apps on sd card.

Now I am going to create the file /tmp/i_must_be_here

And as you can see, the output is in the access.log file now.

If you want, you can redirect the output and the errors in the same file as follows:


As you can see, STDIN and STDERR outputs are sent to the out.log file.

Making Sure the Last Job Finished Running Before Running the Job Again:

Crontab every 1 minute

For this to work, you can create a temporary file just after the job starts and remove it just before it finishes. Then you can check whether the temporary file exists before starting the job. If it does, you can exit out of the job and run the job only when the temporary file is unavailable.

This simple script does just that.

Crontab Every 1 Minute

As you can see, the file is created.

Reading the access.log file proves that the cron job do not run before the previous cron job finishes running. As you can see, it ran at 01:32:01 and the next time it should’ve run at 01:33:01, but it didn’t. Instead, it ran at 01:35:01, about 3 minutes later.

Cron Expression Every 10 Minutes

Organizing Cron Job Outputs for Easy Debugging:

Crontab Run Every 1 Minute

You can format the outputs nicely to make your cron job easier to debug.

An example of how it can be done is given in the following script.

As you can see, the outputs, errors and success messages are nicely printed in the log file.

Cron Job Every Minute

You can do amazing things with cron jobs and shell scripts. I demonstrated some of the ideas here. But the sky is your limit. Feel free to experiment with any ideas you have. Thanks for reading this article.

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